Saturday, September 12, 2009


when i was in the states, i got to live in central manhattan for a month. i was watching a tv show a while ago and it was shot in NYC. as i was watching, i felt nostalgic. i suddenly felt how much i miss the big apple.

although life in NYC is freaking expensive (a pack of gum for $3, how's that?!), you can still enjoy it without spending much (maybe except for the subway fare of $2 per ride). you may even choose just to walk. i really didn't mind just walking most of the time for everywhere i looked just seemed picturesque. also, the apartment i lived in was just across central park so that was an added bonus.

here are some Times Square photos that i took:

1 comment:

Angelo said...

you gotta love NY.... thanks for dropping by, cheers from the Big Apple!