Sunday, May 6, 2007


i have reached the end of a travel. i am now lost in a shadow of confusion. as i stop the road bifurcates. which way? i constantly ask myself. trying to draw into conclusion. i am currently in limbo. an arm’s reach to reality and a few steps to freedom. am i to live my life as a patriot or am i to live as a free-spirit? i tell myself that this is it! a decision must be made. one way leads to my reign as the island prince, the other to my pride as a hero and savior. i am now in a state of crucial thinking - every step must be well thought of. i try to crawl time inch by inch knowing that this will, if not just temporarily, extend time. as i whirl in constant thinking, i am aware that once judgement is passed, i must stand assertive and never regret. as i choose which way to turn, i seek serenity and soltitude. now, as time passes, the world is living for me.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


im struggling and i know it. im in complete chaos and im feeling helpless. im being drenched and im starting to drown. on a sidetrip everything is starting to become dull and errosive. it’s sickening and it’s tiring. it pains me. i am choosing to be passive and apathetic. a change in predicament that most would find sudden. i ought to be. a defensive act maybe but for such worthy cause. self preservation. a dismissal of what seems to be conventional - fuck it. all my thoughts are in constant rage. im on protest. all of me. im on guard for a spark of light amidst this darkness. on guard for a shade of gray. im reaching blindly. im hopeless yet ignited by minute bursts of warmth and indignation. as i drown, i feel stabbed by the piercing cold. i surrender but with a lingering thought. pain is transitory. when i open my eyes i’ll be squinting. rays of light will embrace me. i will rise and again - im reborn a victor.