Tuesday, January 5, 2010

FUCK 2010

as much as id want to celebrate the new year, i just cant seem to find enough reasons to do so. i know that the coming of a new year is a fresh way to start anew but i just feel same old same old.

i usually plan a lot everytime a new year starts - new agendas, new travel plans, new goals, new things to buy, etc. as the new year approached, i just felt apathetic. more like passive and indifferent. it seemed that there is just nothing to look forward to this coming year.

i dont usually drink when i go to year-ender parties but this time was different. i went to every party i got invited to and got totally wasted. i must say i enjoy the feeling of being drunk. this was my way of bidding farewell to a great 2009 maybe. it's like breaking off with a girlfriend and then turning to alcohol for self satisfaction. im so headed for a big downfall.

could it be that im just getting older that my zest for life is starting to wane? or, could it be because im starting to stagnate once again? honestly, i am just bored. bored to the extent that i am desperately in need of something to shake things up a little. i need to be involved into something dangerous or illegal. hahaha. come to think of it, maybe i should start exploring once again. let the rebel in me get out of his cage once more. tsk tsk tsk. this is not good.

ac*d, h*shish, e*stacy, we*d, c*ke, hero*n = heaven

hahahah =)


Eternal Wanderer... said...

who says pushing yourself to the limits is wrong?

but like everything else, just don't overdo it ;)

moderation does fine :D

Aisa.Paxie said...

no no no.... business maybe? buhayin mo na business mo!

Catch said...

@eternal wanderer - hahaha... doing things on the edge are exhilarating... the stuff you smile about when you look back once your old.. hahahaha... maybe i just miss being a shithead that's why... it kinda boring being just another average joe...

@pax - ganito na lang, ako na lang mag fund ng lahat ng business ventures mo pero dapat may cut ako... hahahaha... alam mo naman na for an unemployed person like me, time is very limited.. hahahahaha... im too busy doing crap shit... hahahahaha